Ask the Expert: Dr. Jann Blackstone
I’m Jealous of my Husband’s Co-parent
Jealousy, on both the parts of the ex-spouse and the new spouse, is one of the most difficult problems to overcome, Dr. Jann explains.
(2 min 16 sec read)
6 Tips on Communicating with a Narcissistic Co-parent
Learn 6 ways to communicate with a narcissistic co-parent and how a co-parenting app may be able to solve all them all. (3 min 47 sec read)
Co-parenting vs. Parallel Parenting
coParenting vs. Parallel Parenting: what’s the difference and which one works best for you? Maybe your situation falls somewhere in between? Find out here. (2 min 51 sec read)
My Co-parent is Causing Conflict in My New Relationship!
Keep your needy ex at a distance when you’re coParenting and in another relationship. Setting boundaries with your coParent will help your new relationship.(2 min 38 sec read)
HELP! Daughter Calls my coParent’s Girlfriend “Mommy”
This is a really common question when co-parenting — very few dads and moms like it when their child calls someone else, “dad” or “mom”. Dr. Jann Blackstone has tips. (1 min 40 sec read)
My Child Doesn’t Want to Live with Her Mom
Children need to have positive relationships with both parents even if the child prefers one parent over the other. (2 minutes 13 seconds read)
10 Rules of Good Ex-Etiquette for Co-parents
After a break-up, parents often ask for a list, something to which they can refer to, that will help them deal with their ex in a positive way for the kids! (6 min 10 sec read)
Help! My coParent is Always Late!
My children’s mother is always late to exchange the kids! What are my options to make this stop? Can we do this with a mediator or coach?
(3 minutes 33 seconds read)
Meeting My Ex’s New Partner
Meeting your ex’s new partner is important for your kids and co-parenting relationship. Find tips on how to make this as seamless as possible. (2 minutes 44 seconds read)
Social Media and coParenting: The Do’s and Don’ts
Social media is being used against me during my custody case. Will I still be able to obtain legal custody of my child if my ex is saying bad things about me? (3 minutes 6 seconds read)