by Dr. Jann Blackstone | Oct 15, 2018 | Ask the Expert, Co-parenting, Dealing with Conflict, Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dear Dr. Jann, My 14-year-old daughter lives with me most of the time. She has told her mother that she loves her and wants to see her, but doesn’t want to live with her. I want to support my daughter but I feel that she needs a relationship with her mother. How do...
by Dr. Jann Blackstone | Jul 8, 2018 | Ask the Expert, Dating, Dealing with Conflict, Dr. Jann Blackstone, Stepparents
After a break-up, parents often ask for a list, something to which they can refer to, that will help them deal with their ex in a positive manner – especially if they are really angry and their kids are around. Ironically, we ended up with ten rules and as I read the...
by Dr. Jann Blackstone | Jun 7, 2018 | Ask the Expert, Co-parenting, Dealing with Conflict, Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dear Dr. Jann, Help! My children’s mother is always late to exchange the kids-especially on Fridays for our weekend exchange! Since neither of us wants the other at our home, we’ve set up the exchanges at a local drive-through restaurant, but sometimes I have to wait...
by Heather Feldstein | May 15, 2018 | Dating, Divorce, Dr. Jann Blackstone, Heather Feldstein
At some point after your divorce, you might begin to think about dating again. You may shy away from it for a while or you may choose to dive right in and meet all the “fish in the sea.” As for me, I chose to hold off and focus on cleaning up my divorce’s emotional...
by Dr. Jann Blackstone | May 15, 2018 | Ask the Expert, Co-parenting, Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dear Dr. Jann, My daughter’s father and I broke up about six months ago and we have been in a custody battle ever since. About two months ago I met a new guy and we are thinking about moving in together. When my ex found out he went crazy and started this ridiculous...
by Lauren Starks | May 14, 2018 | Ask the Expert, Divorce, Laurel Starks, Money Matters
“I’m Not Selling!” You may actually decide to sell your property without the consent of your spouse. Some real estate agents will even take your listing on this basis, requiring only one signature on the agreement. But when it comes time to accept an offer, you’ll...